Job Description

<At sea>

They are mainly responsible for inspecting and patrolling the equipment in the engine room and maintaining the equipment for which they are responsible. As an officer, I also perform other duties such as documentation and spare parts management at the same time. Currently, as a Jr. 3/E (second officer), I assist the 3/E and study the equipment (generators, air compressors, fuel oil purifiers, etc.) for which I am in charge.

<While in port>

We focus on inspecting parts that can only be inspected and maintained when the main engine is stopped. Since we sometimes overhaul various pieces of equipment, I feel that I can deepen my knowledge and understanding of the details and structure of the equipment, and grow as an engineer in my daily work.

Lifestyle at Sea

During the voyage, it is easy to think that there is little to look forward to because of the routine of work and breaks, but during breaks, I try to refresh myself by drinking my favorite drink and watching anime. I believe this is the secret to having a clear ON/OFF routine and being able to concentrate on work. In addition, the ship is equipped with Wi-Fi, so I can use the Internet anytime I want. Another thing I look forward to during the voyage is taking a seawater bath using the clean seawater!

Holiday Lifestyle

During vacations, we cherish the time with family and friends that we do not get to see while on board. Although the embarkation period is a little longer than on domestic vessels, it is easier to combine vacations with local friends because of the longer vacation period. I also love motorcycles and cars, so whenever I feel like it, I take a trip to enjoy the local cuisine and hot springs.