C/O work during the voyage

During a voyage, I am basically on duty (04:00 to 08:00/16:00 to 20:00).
Other than that, I work on deck and do paperwork (cargo handling, deck equipment, port of entry, etc.).
I also manage medicine.
Checking the inventory and ordering of each deck material is also done during the voyage.

This has nothing to do with work, but from about 10:00 to 10:30, we have a tea break where we have snacks and chat. Since the deck and engine departments don't usually have many opportunities to get together and talk during the voyage, this is an important time for us to exchange information with each other.
The rest of the time is used for free time.
At present, each ship is equipped with an Internet environment, although it is a bit limited.
It's a great way to do some research, keep in touch with family members, or just have some fun.

C/O work during processing

Processing work is done from mid-morning to late afternoon.
During processing, I give instructions on how many tuna to put in each quencher so that we can meet the scheduled quantity for the day.
In addition, each preparation is done before and during processing so that the processing flow can proceed smoothly.
After processing, the main task is to prepare documents (daily processing records, work reports, etc.).
The next morning, all crew members are required to do inventory work (transferring tuna from each quencher to each HOLD).

After the processing work is finished, we have some free time, which we use for ourselves as well as during the voyage.
Some of the other crew members go fishing.
There are many different kinds of fish that can be caught in each country, and it is very tasty to eat freshly caught fish (horse mackerel, squid, etc.) right there on the spot!

The work may be difficult for those who have never done it before.

However, we try to make it fun even in the midst of the hard work! By supporting each other, we can improve the atmosphere of the work itself, and the sense of accomplishment when the whole process is completed is indescribable.
The feeling of accomplishment when the whole process is completed is indescribable. at sushi restaurants and supermarkets, I feel that I am contributing to the Japanese diet in at least a small way, and it gives me a special feeling. lol

That's all.