Our company, Toei Reefer Line Co., Ltd. was established in December 1959 and is celebrating its 63rd year in 2021.

When leaving Malta

Our main business is the transportation of frozen tuna and the quick freezing and processing of fresh bluefin tuna and southern bluefin tuna. We are also engaged in related businesses incidental to these businesses.

We also transport other frozen seafood products, but mainly frozen tuna, which is a very rare and special type of work. It would not be an exaggeration to say that our business in this way helps to supply and preserve the culture of Japanese marine products, namely tuna food.

Although we call ourselves a carrier, what we actually do is similar to a work ship like a fishing boat, with crew members doing cargo handling, cutting, and freezing work on the deck in addition to their normal duties.

However, in spite of the harsh environment, the knowledge gained as a seafarer and through the work is your experience, in other words, you are a seafarer who can do anything.

Due to this environment, many young seafarers are employed by our company, but unfortunately, due to the harshness of the environment and the company's regulations, many young seafarers leave the company. Of course, this does not mean that there are no young seafarers, but they have survived the harsh environment, gained experience, and grown up to become captains, navigators, chief engineers, and engineers.

We have seen this situation through our experience at sea, and we regret that the company has become such a system. In order to keep the company alive in the future, we would like to eliminate the loss of valuable seafarers as much as possible, consider improving the environment and company system, create a better environment and regulations together with the current and future seafarers, and create a company that people want to work for for a long time.

Company ship during double banking