High quality tuna is caught all over the world.

The mission of our vessels is to bring such high quality tuna safely back to Japan by maintaining its freshness in an ultra-low temperature environment of -50~60℃.

Kenta Maru docked in dry dock

One of the main features of our ultra-low temperature refrigerator ships is that they are equipped with thick insulation in the holds, around ten refrigeration compressors and three generators in the engine room to ensure performance at temperatures of minus 50 to 60 degrees Celsius.

In order to maintain the performance of these devices, our vessels are carefully maintained in the repair dock every year.

In order to maintain the performance of this equipment, our ships are carefully maintained in the repair dock every year. In addition, we are taking the following measures to deal with environmental issues, which have become a growing social concern in recent years.

・In cooperation with a paint manufacturer, we use silicon paint for the bottom of the ship to prevent algae and shellfish from attaching to the bottom of the ship, thereby reducing the load on the main engine.

・We have adopted rectifying fins and propeller boss cap fins to minimize the power loss of the main engine.

・Use of environmentally friendly fuel (LSMGO), etc.

As a result, we have a very good teamwork, and I often feel that all of our crew members, both Japanese and foreign, are like one big family.

The Genta Maru at dock in the floating dock

Of course, it's not all good times at work, not just at our company.

Naturally, there are times when we hit a wall or face a difficult challenge.

When you are able to solve such problems, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment and realize that you have grown as a member of society.

When a crew member returns home to his or her family after a successful voyage with a look of satisfaction on their face after working to the best of their ability, you can feel a sense of relief and a desire to work with them again on the next voyage.

I am convinced that Toei Reefer Line is a company that provides such a sense of accomplishment and opportunities for growth.