What exactly are the conditions of a good workplace?
High remuneration, enough vacation time, good working atmosphere, etc.
There is no doubt that a workplace where you can experience growth is one of the best conditions.

Of course, it varies from person to person, but when you work on a ship, you can absorb a lot of things and grow faster than work at office.
The world of ships is very strict about time management, and you have to do everything in your personal life by yourself except for eating. In addition, there are many tasks that require teamwork.
Working in a closed space with no freedom is sometimes hard and painful, but the sense of accomplishment is also great.

It is said that the balance between load, rest, and nutrition is the most important factor in physical growth.
The nourishment part of the job can be replaced by the reward.
It is a characteristic of ocean-going vessels like ours that the span between embarkation and vacation is both long.
In our case, due to the type of operation, it is not uncommon for the crew on board to be on board for six months or more.
In return, we get a long vacation.
Some people like it, some don't, but I think it's rare to get a vacation of several months in a land-based job.

Presently there is a shortage of seafarers in worldwide.
One of the main reasons for this is the imbalance of the equilateral triangle in the ship's work environment.

If only one of the above three is satisfied, it would not last long.
Since people have various personalities, the ideal shape of this triangle differs from person to person, which is the difficult part.
Just as a baseball player cannot win a game if all the players are sluggers, there are various roles in ship operation, and the best players are those who can do their jobs well.
My role is to provide an environment in which each of our crew members, who are rich in individuality, can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest, and to encourage their growth.

Since we are a small company, I value communication with each and every seafarer on a daily basis. I listen to their opinions, incorporate them, and sometimes encourage them.
Even today, when IT is rapidly advancing in all fields, I feel that the most important thing is communication.

Now, no matter who you are, failure will always follow you in life.
Myself have made many big mistakes since I joined the company. However, each time I have failed, I have learned from the following words.

Failure is proof that you have challenged.

I am determined to create a workplace in which many seafarers who join our company will want to challenge themselves again and again, no matter what mistakes they make.

And myself, as a Crewing Manager, will continue to take on every challenge for win.